Thursday 8 April 2010


At 5am this morning, I took in the view from The Point in Greenwich. Not yet daylight and the birds giving it some wellie, the lights of Canary Wharf look close by. I had got up to go to the bathroom and found my dog sitting at the flat door with the look that says 'parlous need of pee please!' Having just used the facility myself I could hardly refuse so I threw on a sweater & pants, yomped the four floors down and out, after the usual battle with the heavy door and into the very early morning. It was clear and I felt the dew soak my feet as I went to 'pick up', in the event I couldn't see the offending matter so got wet feet for nothing. Back up the stairs and into bed, I wrap myself round my friend and am asleep. I dream of making Moslem pie, or of being allotted this task which I have never heard of - I offer veggie Moussaka instead. and dream of a woman who is an architect.. my dreams seldom make any sense.

I think that this view, taking in London in all her seething glory is my favourite view, it comapres favourably with any views of mountains or seascapes for me.Later, at 7.30 I am back, I do a few stretches then I sit on one of the two benches and take it all in again, this time in daylight on the brightest springiest day this year and it is glorious. The London Eye the Gherkin. St Pauls and many obscene lumps of concrete that look fine from here. The post office tower that used to seem so tall and now is dwarfed by the vast buildings all around. I can see ten cranes of the building variety so I guess the view will amend itself soon but watching the DLR scuttle along full of commuters rushing to work makes it all the sweeter to be here an admiring audience .
My own views have amended themselves too, I try not to think about the elections as I 'pick up'. It's easy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm delighted you're enjoying Lunnon, even though it seems you are leaving us in So'ton to our own devices! I wrote to you last night on Facebook, while you were dreaming of Muslem pie, since I saw you had offered up a new face to afore mentioned socially computing network. Now I see you are too busy watching the glorious view to look for any messages from Southamptn and I have a sneaky suspicion, given your technical illiteracy, that you might not know how to read private messages which arrive more discreetly and in a different manner from the graffiti wall posts. I am happy for you to enjoy the view but if you dont get my message first off please ask your friend to show you how! Ok, ok, maybe you can twitter too, if so please show ME how next time you're back home in this port again.
